Chattanooga-First Battle

June 7, 1862
Hamilton County

In spring 1862, the Confederacy split forces in Chattanooga into several small commands in an attempt to complicate Federal operations. Union Maj. Gen. Ormsby M. Mitchel received orders to take his division to Huntsville, to repair railroads. After Mitchel received command of all Federal troops between Nashville and Huntsville, he ordered Brig. Gen. James Negley with a small division to lead an expedition to capture Chattanooga. This force arrived before Chattanooga on June 7. Negley ordered the 79th Pennsylvania Infantry out to reconnoiter. It found the Confederates entrenched on the opposite side of the river along the banks and atop Cameron Hill. Negley brought up two artillery batteries to open fire on the Rebel troops and the town and sent infantry to the river bank to act as sharpshooters. The Union bombardment of Chattanooga continued throughout June 7 and until noon on June 8. Confederate Maj. Gen. Edmund Kirby Smith reported Negley had withdrawn and the Confederate loss was minor. 

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