
Leadership Team Transitions

TCWPA President Anthony Hodges recognized two Advisory board members who retired this year and extended a heartfelt “thank you” for their support and commitment to preserving and interpreting Tennessee’s Civil War battlefields.  After a 30-year career leading the Tennessee Historical Society, Ann Toplovich announced her retirement last fall.  Ann has been a valued member of the Advsiory Board for more than 15 years, a frequent attendee at Board meetings and with her experience and knowledge a most valuable counsel to the Board.  Shiloh Superintendent Dale Wilkerson also retired earlier this year.  Dale and his staff Shiloh have anchored the partnership between TCWPA and Shiloh – helping with tours, technical reviews, and meetings for several years.  Dale oversaw major preservation efforts at Shiloh and Parkers Crossroads during his tenure.

After the cancellation of the Annual Members meeting in April 2020, TCWPA sent current members a ballot for the election of the 2020-2021 Board of Directors.  By electronic and mail-in vote, members approved the Director nominees, all of whom returned for another year.  Members also approved TCWPA’s Annual Report. The Annual Report is available for review at  TCWPA looks forward to scheduling the Preservation Tour of Fort Negley as soon as possible – exploring preservation efforts at the fort post-Civil War through recent preservation efforts.



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